۳۳ مطلب در ارديبهشت ۱۴۰۰ ثبت شده است


I'm a third-rate duelist with a fourth-rate deck. 


None of you is going to understand why it's funny and that's the best part. 

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    • دوشنبه ۶ ارديبهشت ۰۰

    Don't die with a clean sword

    'Cause if I don't follow my heart this time

    I'm gonna forget what this life is all about

    I'm gonna take that path I'm going in on my own

    I'm gonna take that fear and wear it like a crown


    مسخره ات می کنن ولی ترجیح میدی اگر هم قراره زندگیت نابود بشه، با دست های خودت باشه. 


    "راه تو یه راه جدیده."




    Sometimes before it gets better, The darkness gets bigger;

    The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger

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    • شنبه ۴ ارديبهشت ۰۰


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    • جمعه ۳ ارديبهشت ۰۰
    I'm a beast, I'm a monster,
    a savage; and any other
    metaphor the culture can
    imagine, and I've got a caption
    for anybody asking; that is
    I'm feeling fucking fantastic.
    آرشیو مطالب