In my mind, I'm the hero that saves me.
You can call till your voice is running out
but I can't hear you now
I'm somewhere far away where you can't bring me down
I can't hear you now
بگو، فریاد بزن، ولی من نمی شنوم. حرفات روم اثری نداره. نمیدارم منو از خودم بگیری. نمیذارم کسی رو که به زور سرپا کردم دوباره زمین بزنی.
فرار کردی؟ اگر وایمیسادی بهتر نبود؟
I'm a beast, I'm a monster, a savage
And any other metaphor the culture can imagine
And I got a caption for anybody asking
That is I'm feeling fucking fantastic
Go further.
You've met wrong people and maybe same goes for them to be fair; but the point is you learned something.
That was a moment of confidence and trust. I liked it.
We have a story unwritten.